50 Unique Animals on Earth That You Probably Don’t Know About

Did you know that there are millions of different species of animals on our planet? There are so many amazing creatures that we have yet to discover. But from the ones that we already know about some of them are just too rare and unique for everyone to know about. Check out our list of 50 of the most unique animals on Earth and see how many do you know about. We are sure you are going to find many animals on this list that you have never heard about before.

Venezuelan Poodle Moth

This moth is so rare that it was not discovered until 2009. They live in the cloud forest of Venezuela and are believed to be nocturnal which would explain why they have never been seen before. The Venezuelan Poodle Moth is a very unique looking moth. It has a white furry body with long black hair that looks similar to the fur on a poodle dog breed. They have wings that are dark brown with white spots. Venezuelan poodle moth is said to be an endangered species due to the fact that their habitat of cloud forests in Venezuela has been destroyed by deforestation, which also makes it very difficult for scientists to find them so they can study and learn more about this amazing animal.

Glaucus Atlanticus

This is an animal that you definitely don’t want to touch because it can cause serious damage. Glaucus Atlanticus are also known as blue sea slugs or blue ocean slug and they can be found in the warm waters of Australia, South Africa, Mozambique and other countries around Southern Europe. They have a beautiful vibrant shade of bright blue on their body. They also have a very interesting eating habit which is that they eat other sea creatures by injecting them with toxins and then sucking out the remains of their prey.

Dumbo Octopus

This octopus species is named after the Disney character Dumbo because it has ear-like fins that are extremely large. They also have a unique way of moving around which is by using its tentacles to propel itself through the water. They live at a depth of about 200 meters and their bodies are mostly transparent with pink color on the inside. They have been known to eat other cephalopods such as squid and octopus but they also feed on crustaceans, fish larvae, shellfish and even algae.

Macropinna Microstoma

This is a deep sea fish that has an extremely unusual way of eating. It uses a long tube-like protrusion from its head which it uses to suck up food and water into the opening where its mouth would be located if it actually had one on its body. They live at a depth of about 500 meters in the ocean. And they are mostly found near Chile and Peru. They have very large eyes so it can see where its food is located even though there is no light down deep in the depths of the sea.

Irrawaddy Dolphin

This amazing dolphin species can be found in Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh and India. Certain patterns can also be seen on its skin. They are one of the largest species of dolphins and they can grow up to be about 12 feet long in length. They are also one of the smartest species because they can learn how to mimic sounds and understand sign language.

Lowland Streaked Tenrec

The Lowland Streaked Tenrec is a small mammal that lives in the rainforest of Madagascar. These Tenrecs have very long snout which they use to dig up bugs from their burrows and then eat them with their sticky tongue. They are mostly active during the day and they sleep at night. They also have very unique defense mechanisms because when they feel threatened, they will shoot out a foul-smelling substance that is dark brown in color from their anal gland to keep predators away.

Red-Lipped Batfish

This very unique looking fish can be found in the Galapagos Islands. They have a bright red color on their lips and they also have fins that look like wings which is why it gets its name from being similar to both a bat and a fish. Batfish are generally slow swimmers but they do have pectoral fins so they use them for helping themselves stay upright while swimming because this species lives at depths where there isn’t much pressure, so without these fins, their bodies would not be able to support themselves when moving around in the water.

Blue Parrotfish

This is a fish species that can be found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are named after their very bright blue color on their bodies which also makes them one of the most colorful creatures under water. It has an extremely unique way of eating because it eats coral reefs by grinding up corals with its teeth so they get to digest what’s inside without damaging or destroying them while chewing food. They are one of the largest species in this fish family.

Giant Isopod

This giant sea creature can be found all over the world but mostly near Japan. Its scientific name is Bathynomus Giganteus which means “Giant deep swimmer”. This species of crustacean has an extremely large body size compared to other related species such as pill bugs or woodlice where adults can grow up to 30 cm long in length! Their diet consists mainly on dead animals like whales and fish that sink down into the deep parts of the sea.

Sunda Colugo

This animal can be found in Southeast Asia and it is also known as the Sunda flying lemur. It mainly feeds on leaves, flowers, fruit but they have been seen eating insects occasionally too. They are nocturnal creatures which means that during the day time they sleep hanging upside down from tree branches or other structures while at night when it’s dark outside, this mammal will come out of its hiding spot to look for food.

Glass Frog

The glass frog has a very unique transparent body where its organs, bones and even heart can be seen from the outside! They also have small eyes that are bright green in color. This species lives in places like Costa Rica or Colombia but they usually live near water sources such as rivers so their translucent bodies help them camouflage into their surroundings when predators come around looking for food.


This carnivorous mammal is the largest member of its family that can be found in Madagascar. They are also nocturnal creatures which means they eat, sleep and hunt at night time while during the day they hide up in trees to stay safe from predators so their main diet consists mainly on lemurs but occasionally this species will drink blood by biting into mammals or birds necks! Fossa are also known as the civet cat which is why they have a long tail that has black and white colors.

Panda Ant

The panda ant is a species of stinging insect that can be found mostly in Central America. This deadly looking creature has long bright colored fur on its body which makes it look similar to the cutest animals on Earth, pandas! The only difference between them is their size because this species are extremely small where they can’t even grow up to an inch long. These insects live inside colonies and feed off nectar from flowers but when attacked or provoked by predators, these ants will attack back with their poisonous stingers! The Panda ant has a very bright yellow color on their bodies with black tips which is why this species got its name.

Umbonia Spinosa

This species of treehopper insect is native to Central and South America. They have a very unique way of getting food which they do by acting as a plant parasite that lives on trees, bushes or other plants. This means this creature will hatch from an egg laid under the bark of these vegetation where it will feed off their sap until it’s ready to leave the host plant! The spines on their bodies are used to protect themselves from predators.

Sea Lamprey

This is a parasitic fish species that can be found mostly in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They live by attaching themselves onto larger fishes such as salmon or other sea animals where they release an enzyme to numb their prey so it becomes easier for them to suck out body fluids! This fish became a huge problem for native salmon species because they would attach onto them to feed and eventually kill them! Sea lamprey has a very long cylindrical shaped body that can grow up to 30 cm in length while the head of this fish is wider than its neck and it has sharp teeth.


This is a wild boar species that is mostly found in Indonesia. It has an extremely large tusk on its face which looks similar to the tooth of a warthog but this creature’s tusks are very long and sometimes can grow up to 15 inches! They use these tusks for digging, protection or even fighting with other males during mating season by slamming into each other’s head until one submits. Babirusa has a brown and black color on its back while the stomach is white in color.

Thorny Devil

This is a type of lizard that can be found in America, Mexico and even some parts of Africa. They have a very unique look where their entire body surface area has an armor like shell which makes them appear as if they are covered with thorns! These creatures mainly feed off insects so when prey comes up to this species, it will open its mouth wide enough for the ant or other bugs to enter inside but once trapped there’s no way out since it’s impossible for these insects to escape from between those sharp spikes on their skin. The thorny devil has a yellow and brown color on their bodies.

Indian Purple Frog

This is a type of frog species that can be found in India. Unlike other frogs, these amphibians live underground which means they spend most of their lives digging under the ground to stay safe from predators and even during mating season males will dig small burrows where they wait for females to come by and lay eggs there! When they feel threatened, this species will release a poisonous substance from their skin which makes them toxic to predators!

Warty Frogfish

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This is an oceanic fish species that can be found in both the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They have a very unique look where their entire body surface area has an armor like shell which makes them appear as if they are covered with thorns! These creatures mainly feed off insects so when prey comes up to this species, it will open its mouth wide enough for the ant or other bugs to enter inside but once trapped there’s no way out since it’s impossible for these insects to escape from between those sharp spikes on their skin.

Naked Mole-Rat

This is a type of mole species that can be found mostly in Africa. They have an extremely large front teeth which look similar to the ones you’d see on rodents such as mice or rats but this animal’s tooth doesn’t grow back when broken off unlike their other rodent cousins! This creature has very poor eyesight and instead uses its long sensitive nose to search for food, navigate through tunnels and even detect predators via scent from far away distances!


This is a type of mammal that can be found mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. They are closely related to the anteater and sloth but this species has some very unique features which include large ears, long sticky tongue for catching ants or termites as well as its nose contains pig like snout! They can grow up to a length of four feet and have been known to live as long as 30 years! Aardvark’s mainly feed on ants and termites but they will also eat other insects, small mammals or even some fallen fruit if found in their area.

Snub-Nosed Monkey

This is a type of Asian monkey species that can be found in Tibet, China and Vietnam. These primates have a very distinctive look where their noses are extremely squashed together which makes it difficult for them to breathe through their nose so they must rely on mouth breathing instead! They are also known to have a very loud call that can be heard from miles away which acts as their alarm system for when they feel threatened.

Buff-Tip Moth

This is a type of moth species that can be found in Europe. These moths have an extremely long front pair of wings which look similar to the ones you’d see on butterflies but unlike their colorful winged cousins, these creatures are mostly brown or grey with dark spots! They live mostly in the forest and one of their main food sources is swollen pine cones which they feed off from.

Silkie Chicken

This is a type of chicken species that can be found in Asia. These birds have extremely fluffy feathers which makes them look very distinctive from other chickens and these creatures are also known to produce more eggs than normal chickens. The Silkie Chicken is also known for its friendly temperament and they are even said to be the only chicken that doesn’t have a pecking order!

Cantor’s Giant Soft-shell Turtle

This is a type of turtle species that can be found in Vietnam. These turtles have an extremely soft pliable shell which makes them look very odd compared to other types of turtles and they also have flippers instead feet! This is one of the most unique species of turtles that can be found today! These creatures can get a little aggressive and will bite anyone who tries to come near them


This is a type of bat species that can be found in Madagascar. These creatures have extremely large ears which are very unique compared to other bats and they also come in different colors such as orange, brown or yellow! This makes them stand out from their relatives when sleeping upside down during the day since many types of fruit bats only have black fur on top while these little guys blend right in with fruits hanging around them hence their name Aye-Ay meaning “Oh yes” in Malagasy language!


This is a type of marine mammal that can be found in the coastal waters and mangroves. These creatures have a very similar appearance where they resemble large fat whales but these animals are actually much closer related to elephants! They can grow up to over 20ft long and weigh nearly 3000 pounds when fully grown which makes them one of the biggest mammals in this category, they also have whiskers that stick out of their nose which act like a navigation tool, helping them locate prey or stay away from danger.

Long-Wattled Umbrellabird

This is a type of bird species that can be found mostly in the rainforest. These creatures were given their name for having an extremely long wattle attached to its head where it reaches down past its feet! This appendage has many uses such as attracting female mates, fighting off predators or even sounding alarms when feeling threatened which makes them stand out from other birds during mating season but unfortunately these animals are becoming increasingly rare due to deforestation and hunting!

Sri Lanka Frogmouth

This is a type of bird species that can be found in Sri Lanka. These creatures are known for their very unique call which sounds like human babies crying! This makes these birds extremely hard to find because they blend into the surrounding landscapes making them look just like tree stumps until you get close enough to hear their cries but despite this, these animals are also considered endangered due to habitat loss and predators such as cats eating them during the night time hours when they’re most vulnerable!

Yeti Crab

This is a type of crustacean that can be found in the deep sea. These creatures have been given their name from famous crypto zoologist Ivan T. Sanderson because they resemble the well-known “Abominable Snowman” due to its furry looks which are actually hairy bristles attached to its shell! It’s also one of seven species that live on hydrothermal vents and these animals feed by waving hair-like structures out into water currents where tiny food particles get stuck inside them but this works much like our own hairs trapping dirt while taking a shower except it only takes place when eating instead!

Hummingbird Hawk-Moth

This is a type of insect that can be found in Europe. This creature has the unique ability to mimic the fast movements and sounds like hummingbirds which helps protect them from predators but they do this by rapidly flapping their wings as well as opening and closing its mouth! These little guys are also excellent pollinators for flowers such as honeysuckle, petunia and jasmines where they drink nectar using their long tongue proboscis much like how we use straws to sip our favorite drinks!

Goblin Shark

This is a type of deep sea shark that can be found in oceans around the world. These creatures have some very unusual features which include long snouts, lidless large eyes and are mostly pink! They also have extremely sharp teeth but these animals live so far down below our surface where there isn’t much food available to them so they only need about 15kg worth of it each day to survive making their mouths extra strong for hunting as well as surviving out here!

Patagonian Mara

This is a type of rodent that can be found in the grasslands and Patagonia. These creatures are very similar to rabbits but actually more closely related to kangaroos, guinea pigs and porcupines! They get their name from Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan who first discovered them on his voyage many years ago but despite this, these animals went completely undiscovered by scientists until almost 300 years later when they finally had enough time studying them even though there’s still so much we don’t know about them yet like why for example do females only have one baby at a time while most other mammal species give birth around five times every year?


This is a type of wading bird that can be found in swamps and shallow lakes. This animal gets its name from the shape of their bill which looks like an old fashion shoe! These birds are also known as whale head or umbrella birds due to their large size and resemblance to these two things but despite how big they look, shoebills actually grow about four feet tall and weigh around 33 pounds making them one of Africa’s most endangered species because people often hunt them for food where adults make up three quarters of this population decline according to WWF reports!

Mantis Shrimp

This is a type of marine crustacean that can be found in most tropical waters. These creatures have one set of eyes with three different parts for color detection but they also have twelve other types on the back half of their body which allow them to sense light, bars and bumps! They’re very territorial and use these powerful claws as self-defense since each has around 200 pounds worth of pressure per square inch making these animals more than twice as strong as we are so if you ever happen to cross paths with this amazing sea creature then it’s best to stay out of its way instead!


This is a type of toothed whale that can be found in the arctic. They get their name from the long ivory horn on their head which actually comes out through its upper lip but despite this, narwhals are actually one of more than 80 different species in existence today! The purpose for these horns have been highly debated where some say they help with mating while others believe it’s used as self-defense against predators like killer whales and orcas but there’s still so much we don’t know about them just yet since most live up north making them difficult animals to study!


This is a type of aquatic salamander that can be found in Mexico. This amphibian shares many features with other species which include gills, webbed feet and an eel-like tail but these animals don’t mature into adults like most others! In fact once they reach around one year old, their limbs regenerate if lost making them able to continue living for up to 15 years without stopping only then will they finally grow sexual organs allowing them reproduce as well as lose their gills at the same time where after this point it’s best not eat too much since it turns out humans actually have a taste similar to chicken according to National Geographic so

time you find yourself craving some meat make sure you order something else!

Sea Pean

This is a type of saltwater clam that can be found in both Australia and New Zealand. These animals may look very similar to other types of clams but they actually have five distinct tentacles which come out from their mouths instead! You’ll find these creatures living on coral reefs where many sea birds rely heavily upon them as a source for food since it’s estimated one could filter about two gallons worth of water per hour giving you an idea how important this animal truly is when trying to keep the ocean healthy!

Gobi Jerboa

This is a type of rodent that can be found in the deserts and steppes of Asia. These small creatures may look like mice but they’re actually one of many species belonging to their own genus! Gobi Jerboa’s are nocturnal animals which means these little guys spend most of their time sleeping during daylight hours then wake up to play, eat and drink water whenever there’s darkness where this also helps conserve energy as well since it takes less food for them to survive this way so you’ll never find yourself having trouble spotting these shy little friends at night either!

Golden Tortoise Beetle

This is a type of beetle that can be found in North America. These insects have an amazing metallic gold color which serves as the perfect camouflage making it nearly impossible for predators to see them even when they’re running! Unfortunately their bodies aren’t made from metal but instead are covered with tiny hairs containing different types of chemicals used as defense mechanisms against those who try and eat them where if disturbed, these little guys will secrete cyanide from their mouths so you’ll definitely want to steer clear since it’s enough toxins here actually kill small animals like birds within minutes so next time your dog wants to go outside make sure he doesn’t get too close or risk losing him forever!


This is a type of fish that can be found in South America. This animal may look very similar to other types of piranhas but it actually has different teeth along with its size where the largest ever caught weighed around 130 pounds making them much heavier than what you would expect so next time you have dinner plans, make sure your guests bring their own forks because things could get really ugly if they don’t!


This is a type of fish that can be found in the deep waters surrounding Australia. These animals may look like they’re made from some sort of goo but it’s actually much more scientific than you might think where this animal not only lacks scales, it’s also able to survive being brought up to the surface since its full body is mostly composed fluids allowing these guys to float without any problems at all so

time your little brother asks for a ride on your shoulders make sure he doesn’t fall because if he lands anywhere near this guy there won’t be anything left!

Star-Nosed Mole

This is a type of mole that can be found in North America. These animals may look like mice with just their tiny noses sticking out but they actually have 22 appendages surrounding it allowing them to sense anything around their environment including water, vibrations and more! Star-Nosed moles are burrowing creatures meaning these guys spend most of their time digging for food instead of flying above ground where you’ll find them eating small insects along with worms making this animal a great pest control solution since its estimated one could consume up to 300 per hour which will certainly help keep your garden nice and clean while also keeping harmful bugs away from your crops at the same time so

time you want to get rid of some pesky critters make sure you grab yourself a star-nosed mole!

Maned Wolf

This is a type of mammal that can be found in North America. These animals may look like foxes but they’re actually very different where the Maned wolf has longer legs, thicker fur and much larger ears making them more closely related to dogs than anything else! This animal prefers open grasslands which makes finding food much easier allowing these guys to survive on just about any small animal it finds so next time you want to take your dog for a walk make sure he doesn’t pick up too many bad habits because chances are if he’s not housebroken yet there’s no way this guy will ever learn how without some major help from his friends!


This is a type of mammal that can be found in Central and East Africa. These animals may look like zebras from the back but they actually have striped legs along with zebra-like heads making them very closely related to giraffes! Okapi are solitary creatures which means these guys spend most of their time alone or sometimes hanging out with family members who live nearby where you’ll typically find them wandering through forests searching for food since these guys eat mostly roots, fruits and grasses which they dig up using their hooves allowing these guys to survive in areas where other large animals can’t since it’s tough for any predators to sneak through the underbrush with such a recognizable pattern on their legs making them perfectly camouflaged!

Pink Fairy Armadillo

This is a type of armadillo that can be found in areas like South America and Southern parts of North America. These animals may look pretty weird but they actually have some features that make them stand out from the rest including their ability to roll into a ball, its lack of teeth along with its long clawed hands where these guys will use this appendage for digging up food as well as protecting themselves when under attack! The pink fairy armadillos diet consists mostly of insects which makes finding prey quite easy since they live on just about every continent except Antarctica allowing these guys to survive almost anywhere in the world.

Halitrephes Jelly

This is a type of jellyfish that can be found in areas like the Amazon River. These animals may look pretty strange but they actually have some very interesting features including their ability to glow, iridescent skin and its tentacles which are covered with thousands upon thousands of stinging cells making this animal one dangerous predator! Halitrephes Jellyfish prefer staying away from currents where they will float around and wait for prey to come along before wrapping it up in their deadly tentacles allowing these guys to survive just about anywhere since there’s no shortage of food when your swimming through rivers filled with so many creatures!

Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko

This is a type of gecko that can be found in Madagascar. These animals may look pretty strange but they actually have some very interesting features including their leaf like tail, the webbing between its toes and its ability to climb up smooth surfaces without falling! The Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko feeds on insects which makes finding prey easy for this guy since he lives just about everywhere where there are trees allowing him to survive almost anywhere other creatures fear to go! The Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko is an endangered species which has made it illegal to own one of these guys in the United States because if people really knew what this little guy could do they probably wouldn’t want to leave him behind as a souvenir!

Sea Pig

This is a type of sea cucumber that can be found in oceans all over the world. These animals may look really bizarre but they actually have some very interesting features including their ability to eat through there anus, its flat body and its eyes which are on stalks! The Sea Pig feeds on plankton where it will suck water into its mouth before filtering out any food particles allowing this guy to survive just about anywhere since you’ll find him hanging around almost every ocean not excluding nearby coral reefs or even freshwater lakes !

Superb Bird-Of-Paradise

This is a type of bird that can be found in New Guinea. These animals may look really weird but they actually have some very interesting features including their long tail, bright colors and its ability to produce sounds! The Superb Bird-Of-Paradise feeds on fruit where it will hang around just about anywhere there are trees allowing these guys to survive almost anywhere since you’ll find them living nearby forests which aren’t hard for any creature to find food or shelter!

Lilac-Breasted Roller

The Lilac Breasted Roller is one of the most beautiful bird in the world. Its unique feature is its colorful feathers. The feathers are so colorful that the bird look like it is wearing a rainbow on its body. Usually, they are very shy birds but if you have food with you, the chances of noticing them are higher. You can see them either in pairs or alone. The female bird doesn’t have same color as the male one, their colors vary from each other slightly. The size of these birds is around 30 centimeters and weight varies between 55 to 65 grams depending upon the subspecies. It has long wings which make it look bigger than it really is.
